Tuesday, April 7, 2009


reasons to start working on the paper RIGHT NOW:

  • the closer i get to the end of the semester, the more work i will have in other classes
  • i dont want to publish a shitty paper
  • the more i work on it, the closer i am to kevin's keg party when we finish
feel free to add your own

Monday, March 30, 2009

Open Thread

Since we have to sign in to the blog with the editors e-mail in order to make posts, it looks like our business here will be done in the comments section.
Possible Topics:

When is the speaker coming?-I believe this is James B and someone else's group. If anyone has any information or has talked to Lubling about dates, let them know here.

How much money are we shooting for in the fundraiser?- Annie needs this info.

Ideas on how to get the word out on our endeavor- I'm sure Lee would appreciate any ideas on that.

Anything else you guys/girls can think of can go here or I can start a new, focused post if it gets crowded in this comment section.

*No Log-in Needed for comments. Just choose anonymous then write your name at the end of your comment*